PowerDesigner is a tool used by many data architects. CaseTalk strengthens them by using language, well-documented entities, and tables. However, if your goal is simply to draw a relational diagram, you should perhaps consider using the CaseTalk Viewer.

Below you'll see the different outputs generated by CaseTalk and PowerDesigner.



With CaseTalk Modeler, your fact-based models can already be displayed in full, customizable details.



In PowerDesigner, the Conceptual Model is built using a VB Script generated by CaseTalk Modeler. Depicted below is a transformed fact-based model.



In PowerDesigner, the Physical Model is built using a VB Script generated by CaseTalk Modeler. Depicted below is a transformed fact-based model.


Entity Details

In PowerDesigner, the Entities and Tables are well-documented by using business language and examples that stem from CaseTalk's fact based models.



A similar relational model can be shown by simple drag and drop operations in the free CaseTalk Viewer. If you are concerned with diagramming alone, it certainly emulates PowerDesigner. For physical design and database editing, it is recommended to continue using PowerDesigner and feed the initial models with CaseTalk scripts.



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