CaseTalk release 12.3 is the first release this year 2022!

Exciting news!

There's a lot of work being done on threading and background processing. This allows the model to validate itself while you model, and transform and generate it at the same time. This is still a little experimental, but the new year is looking very promising. So here's a shortlist of tickets which were recently closed for this version.

  • Generate ER Diagrams on the fly while you model (Java required)
  • A rare yet critical merging issue was fixed which may lead to lost expression parts.
  • Many more model merging tweaks were added to make the overwriting of older parts better.
  • Project archives handling has improved.
  • Loading of files has increased performance.
  • Role readings transform to foreign key semantics.
  • And more...

Get your free update from our download section. For a complete list of changes, click here.


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