The Ensemble Logical Model (ELM) is an enterprise-wide business model which, in an agile way, maps the business concepts within a given organization into an agile and adaptable model. ... The Ensemble Logical model is a backbone model containing the Core Business Concepts and the way these are related. The high level modeling of concepts in this approach is in need for a trickle down approach which further integrates the communication and their examples. FCO-IM is an excellent candidate for that. Previously we showed the icons which depict concept types such as Person, Location, Event, etc.

cbc list

Color Scheme

The agreed upon color scheme for Data Vault model elements, Hub, Link and Satellite, are blue, green and yellow. These can be easily visualized in CaseTalk diagrams, starting at version 12.1. All it requires is to set the coloring settings to DataVault (or Ensemble) to render these core business concepts in the appropriate color scheme.

The exciting aspect of this setting is that, while modeling the information CaseTalk will continuesly reflect the correct colors while information gets changed or added. A real live data vault modeling environment, entirely based on the business focus, the business communication about the data.

DataVault Coloring


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